What Fabrics Are Best For Face Masks? You'll Be Surprised

Did you know that most fabric face masks are not breathable? Did you know that some fabric face masks can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions? Did you know that some fabrics actually have the potential to build up a lot of bacteria if they are not cleaned properly? Are your eyes watering yet? If so, then you should be ready to learn more about material choices for your next mask.

With this information, you'll understand why it's important to consider what kind of fabric to use when buying a new mask. And this knowledge will help you make the right decision in selecting the best fabric for your face mask needs!

What makes fabric suitable for face masks?

cloth face masks

Fabric for your face mask should be breathable, non-irritating, and shouldn't cause allergic reactions. You don't want to have a mask that causes skin irritation or builds up a lot of bacteria.

For these reasons, you should consider the fabric type when buying a new mask.

The best types of fabrics for masks are cotton, silk, and polyester.

  • Cotton is very breathable so it helps remove moisture from the body; it does not irritate the skin and is less likely to have allergies; and lastly, cotton masks are typically cheaper than other fabrics.
  • Silk is also very breathable so it's good for preventing moisture buildup; it doesn't irritate the skin like cotton or polyester; it's also much more expensive than other fabrics like cotton or polyester.
  • Polyester is most suitable for people with sensitive skin since it's generally hypoallergenic but also prevents moisture buildup as well as helps to remove excess oils in the face after long periods of use.

Fabrics not recommended for face masks include :

  • Knits - because they can trap heat under the mask which can lead to fires if left unattended;
  • Vinyl - because they can cause allergic reactions; and satin because they are not breathable enough and can make your skin feel sticky while wearing them.

Other Materials That Are Best to Use for a Face Mask

There are a lot of materials to consider when buying a new mask. The most popular option is fabric, but other options include paper and foam.

  • Fabric:

fabric face mask

This is one of the most popular choices for face masks because it's inexpensive and easy to find. There are also a lot more fabrics available than there are with other materials.

  • Paper:

Blue Paper Face Mask, Dust Mask, Ce Mouth Mask

Paper masks are eco-friendly and have been around for a long time. They are not as breathable as fabric, but they still provide an adequate amount of protection.

  • Foam:

Foam face mask

Foam masks don't sit well on everyone's skin, but they're relatively cheaper than other types of materials and offer the best protection against allergens and irritants in air pollution.


Now that you know the kinds of materials that are best for face masks, how do you know what fabric to use?

The most important thing to consider is the material’s density. The more dense the fabric, the softer and more textured it will be. This is because a heavier fabric will have a higher thread count and more threads per inch. The most commonly used fabrics for face masks are cotton, silk, and linen. Other materials used are such as mesh, spandex, and mesh netting. Once you decide on the material, choose one with a pattern that will go well with your design.

As you can see from this information, there are many options when choosing what fabric to use for your next mask! I hope you found this article informative!

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